Farewell Ducklings!

 Friday, June 7, 2024

Farewell to our adorable ducklings!  Thank you for all you have taught us! We had a wonderful final week with you. We will miss you!

Looking Back


This week in UFLI we continued to talk about vowel teams. We learned that the long o sound can be spelled using 3 different vowel teams, ‘oa,’ ‘ow,’ and ‘oe.’ We discovered it is really tricky to know when to choose ‘oa’ or ‘ow’ and that ‘oe’ usually makes the long o sound at the end of a word. We did lots of practice in order to become more familiar with which words have ‘oa’ and which words have ‘ow.’ There is only 1 reading passage in our UFLI folder this week in order to practice this tricky skill.

We sang a song about Plant Needs this week and talked about how we can care for a plant to keep it healthy and strong. We wrote a creative story about what would happen if we planted magic seeds and came up with many interesting ideas about what might grow.

In science we drew and labelled the parts of our bean plant. We had a discussion about how plants and animals are similar and how they are different. We also read a story called “Tops and Bottoms” and we had a discussion about the different parts of a plant that we eat. We began creating artwork featuring some root vegetables. We are also very excited to start our animal research projects. Ask your child what animal they chose! We will be using books and computers to find out more about our chosen animal. 

We finished up our duckling research and observations and enjoyed some fun moments observing our ducklings running and swimming.

In Math, we continued to review addition and subtraction strategies and to build our fluency in adding and subtracting within 20. We reviewed the doubles and doubles strategies and played a partner game to practice these skills. We practiced working on both adding and subtracting questions at the same time to notice which operation we needed to use. 

Looking Forward

Important: Need a shoebox!

Please save a shoebox with a lid (attached or unattached)  for your child to bring to school next week. We will be using them at end of next week. If you have an extra shoebox you would like to get off of your hands you can send that in as well in case there is a child without one. 

Community Walks Notice

We are hoping to get out for a few community walks over the next few weeks and to enjoy learning outside. Depending on the weather, we will try to head out for a community walk one day this week.

A message from Grade Three:

Hello Parents and Guardians,

On Thursday June 20, the Grade Three students at our school will be hosting a Global Citizenship fundraiser in support of the Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth, which supports newly arrived immigrants and refugees. They will be selling various handmade items for $2. There will also be lemonade and fudge bites available for purchase. If you would like your child to participate, please send money with them and we will help them select their items to purchase. Thank you for all of your support!

The Grade Three Team

A message from Mr. V:

It has been great to see all of the students walking or riding to school on Thursdays (and other days of the week).  Every Thursday is a Walk or Ride day, and we are encouraging all students to get to school in an active way.  We are doing this because it is: good for the environment, good for our bodies, and it's fun! 

Library books are now due! Please ensure books are returned ASAP.


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