We went to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

Looking Back

We had a short but busy week here in Grade 1! We had so much fun at the zoo on Wednesday! The weather held off for the most part and we had a great day learning about the arctic and explore the other animals. 

This week in UFLI we began to talk about vowel teams. We learned that ‘ai’ and ‘ay’ both make the long /a/ sound. When we hear the long /a/ sound at the end of a word it’s ‘ay’. We discovered that it is really tricky to know when to use ‘ai’ or bossy e and we just need to practice so we become more familiar with the words we are spelling. There is only 1 reading passage in our UFLI folder this week as it was a short but busy week!

We continued to research polar bears and learned all about what polar bears eat. Ask your child what they learned! We also candled our eggs for the last time before we had to lock down the incubator. We are on hatch watch starting on Monday! We are so excited to see how many ducklings we will get. 

In math we continued to learn about balancing equations. We did some examples with blocks and with numbers. 

Thank you to those that have already returned their interviews about the past! We will start sharing them next week.

Looking Ahead

Our last library day is on Tuesday. Please send back library books in order to sign out a book for the last time. Library books need to be returned by June 13th. Thank you!

Need a shoebox!

Please save a shoebox with a lid (attached or unattached)  for your child to bring to school during the second week of June! 


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