We have ducklings!

We arrived to a big surprise on Monday morning! Two ducklings had hatched over the weekend and were peeping and peering out of the incubator ready to come out and play with us. A third little duck was beginning to hatch and we were able to watch it pop out of its shell on Monday as we were beginning our school day. On Tuesday, another duckling pipped (poked a hole in its shell) and by Wednesday morning it had hatched as well. We were so excited to name our ducklings and welcome them to our classrooms. Ask your child to tell you what their names are (Lemon, Chocolate Chip, Cocoa and Marshmallow). 

Looking Back

This week in UFLI we continued to talk about vowel teams. We learned that the long e sound can be spelled using 3 different vowel teams, ‘ee,’ ‘ea,’ and ‘ey.’ We discovered it is really tricky to know when to choose ‘ee’ or ‘ea’ and that ‘ey’ usually makes the long e sound at the end of a word. We did lots of practice in order to become more familiar with which words have ‘ee’ and which words have ‘ea.’ There is only one reading passage in our UFLI folder this week in order to practice this tricky skill.

We finished our research about polar bears this week, just in time to do some research and lots of learning about ducks! We sketched our newly hatched ducklings and wrote about our exciting morning on Monday when we arrived to find ducklings in the incubator. We also learned about and sequenced the stages of a duck life cycle. We were thrilled to observe our ducklings splashing in water and eating their first food this week and were able to let them run around in the middle of our circle as they learned how to use their new little legs. Next week, we are very excited to give them deeper water and hope to watch them learn to swim and dive for their food. 

In Math, we focused on building addition and subtraction fluency this week through reviewing strategies we have learned previously this year. We practiced “one more, one less, two more, two less” through games and also tried a three number addition challenge using some of our strategies. We will continue this focus next week with other strategies.

In Social Studies, Mrs. Webber’s class had a fantastic time working on our “Guess Who” baby picture challenge (Mrs. Janisse’s class completed this last week). We also have been enjoying learning about the past through the interviews students have been completing and presenting. Thank you to all parents for helping your child interview a grandparent or parent and prepare to present their findings to the class. We will continue to share these throughout the week next week.

Looking Ahead

We have had our final library sign out this week. Please ensure all library books are returned by June 13th. 

Important: Need a shoebox!

Please save a shoebox with a lid (attached or unattached)  for your child to bring to school during the second week of June! 

Community Walks Notice

We are hoping to get out for a few community walks over the next few weeks and to enjoy learning outside. Depending on the weather, we will try to head out for a community walk one day this week.


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