Happy Mother's Day!

Looking Back

This week in UFLI we continued our learning about r-controlled vowel sounds. We reviewed and practiced the sounds /ar/, /or/, and /ore/. We also learned the /er/ sound. We learned that it can come in the middle or at the end of a word. We practiced reading and writing words such as herd, other, fern, sister. Please see your child’s orange UFLI folder for a game to practice these phonics skills and 2 short reading passages to read together.

We learned a song about the past and began our learning in Social Studies about our community in the past. We looked at several pictures of things that we have now compared to what they used for the same function in the past. This sparked some very interesting questions and conversations. Keep your eyes open next week for a little project we would like your child to do to further enhance our learning about the past. 

Thank you to all who have sent in a baby picture of your child for our “Guess Who?” game that we are hoping to do next week. We are all very interested in these photos and they have sparked a lot of conversations about the past within our classroom. If you have not yet sent in a baby picture of your child, please email one to Mrs. Webber (gjwebber@cbe.ab.ca).

In writing, we continued working on our stories. They are coming along nicely! We have very creative ideas about how our character tries to solve the problem in the story. We are excited to finish these over the next couple weeks.

In Math we reviewed the concept of subtraction and focused on how we can use subtraction to compare quantities (how many more does he have than his friend). We practiced all together and then with a partner. 

Egg update…

Our eggs have been incubating for 11 days! We have candled them several times and this week observed interesting changes inside the egg. Ask your child to tell you what we saw ( bigger veins at the bottom) and how many days are left until we may see some hatching.

A special gift came home today for all of our amazing Moms! All of the students are very excited to give you their special gifts and cards.

Looking Ahead

Library day is on Tuesday. Please send back your books in order to sign out a new one.

We are going on a field trip! Please check your child's backpack today (Mrs. Janisse's class) or Monday (Mrs. Webber's class) for the forms for our field trip to the zoo on May 22. Please sign and return the forms as soon as possible!

A message from Mr. V:

Starting this week, every Thursday is going to be a Walk or Ride Day.  Each Thursday everyone at MTS is encouraged to get to school in an active way.  This could include walking, biking, scootering, skateboarding, anything to get to school in an active way!  Students can store their bikes or scooters at the bike racks at the front of the school.  Hopefully they are nice and full this Thursday!

No School on Friday, May 17th - PD Day

No School on Monday, May 20 - Victoria Day Holiday


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