Another busy week!

Looking ahead

This week in UFLI we learned the 2 sounds that y makes at the end of a word. In one syllable words it will make the /i/ sound and in words with 2 or more syllables it will make the /e/ sound. 

We read a really fun poem about spring and the weather changing and then wrote our own spring acrostic poems. We also read a story called “A Balloon for Isabel” that follows a really good story structure. We are gearing up to write our own stories following the same format (Someone, Wanted, But, So, Then, Finally). We are excited to start our stories next week. 

In Math our student teachers finished up their symmetry lessons by creating some symmetry monsters made by writing our names and doing a symmetry hunt around the classroom. We also learned about a new shape used in indigenous art called an ‘ovoid’ and we practiced this shape by completing an indigenous style eagle. 

In science we started a new unit about energy and movement. We learned about direction, speed and pathway. We used our knowledge of different pathways (straight, curvy, zig zag, spiral) and we practiced drawing these lines with sharpie on our paper. We then painted each section a different colour. Then we read and discussed a story by Leo Leonni called “Matthew’s Dream”. In the story the little mouse made all sorts of abstract paintings and talked about his dream when he looked at his artwork. We took a small picture of ourselves and placed it wherever we wanted in our “dream”. We then did some writing about our dreams. It could be something that we dreamt to be, a dream we have had in the past or even just where our imagination took us when we looked at our painting. Each piece of writing is very unique just like the artwork. It was fun to incorporate science, art and language arts together! We continued our Science learning later in the week with an investigation about motion. We learned 5 different ways animals and objects can move. We tested out many different objects to see how they move and will continue this work next week.

Our student teachers read a beautiful story called Ami Osawapikones Dear Dandelion. We learned how to say the word dandelion in the Cree language and were inspired to create beautiful dandelion art. We used tempra paint and forks to create grass and dandelions on a watercolour background. We talked about the themes of joy, bravery, strength, courage, hope, patience, generosity, kindness, and resilience (sipikaw).

Looking ahead

We are hoping to go for another community walk this week depending on the weather. Please ensure your child dresses in layers as it could be cool if we go in the morning.

Library day is Tuesday. Please return library books in order to get a new one.

Please return all UFLI folders Thursday or Friday so we can put the new sheets in.


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