A surprise visit!

This week in UFLI we learned about the ending sound _le. We talked a lot about syllables and reviewed our learning about open and closed syllables. We learned that when we are reading a word with a _le ending, we can figure out whether the vowel is short or long by covering up the ending and noticing if the vowel is open or closed. This is a very tricky phonics concept. Ask your child if they can explain it to you using the words “table” and “puzzle.” We also reviewed the ending patterns of -ed and /y/ spelling the long e or i sound at the end of a word.

Our poem for this week was a rap called “Earth Day.” We had a great time rapping along with a background track. Ask your child if they can rap a bit for you.

We began writing our own stories this week using the “Someone, somewhere wanted, but so then, finally” story map. We chose our main character and our setting (someone/somewhere) and wrote and illustrated the first page of our book.

In Math, we finished our symmetry unit with our student teachers by completing a little symmetry assessment to show what we have learned. We also did an open-ended problem called “Number of the Day” and students challenged themselves to create as many math sentences as they could to equal a certain number. 

On Monday, we celebrated Earth Day by going outside to a sit spot to write about ways we are thankful for the Earth. It was a very windy day outside and we had to find creative ways to keep our notebooks open! We also read a story called “The Earth Book” by Todd Parr. 

In Science, we continued our learning about Energy by finishing our experiment on motion. We also talked about ways we could make it easier to move heavy objects. We decided that wheels are something that is often added to a heavy load to make it easier to move. We went on a “wheel hunt” in our classrooms and then around the school and sketched and labeled things with wheels. You would be amazed at how many things in our school have wheels!

Our student teachers also introduced us to our new Grandfather Teaching about Wisdom. Ask your child to tell you which animal represents wisdom and why. We worked together as table group teams to create beautiful dot art about this animal.

If your child came home on Wednesday and said they saw a baby cow at school, it was actually true. We were lucky enough to be able to observe a baby cow from Ms. Jardie’s (one of our student teachers) farm. We did an “I see, I think, I wonder” page in our journals while we sat and observed this animal from a rural community. It was very exciting!

We were sad to say goodbye to our amazing student teachers on Thursday. We have really enjoyed our time with them and they have been a wonderful help in our classroom! We wish them all the best in the next steps of their learning journey. 

Looking Ahead

Library day is on Tuesday. Please send back your child’s book in order for them to sign out a new one. 

We have something very exciting coming to our classrooms starting on Monday. Ask your child to tell you what we will be looking after together as a class as part of our Science learning.


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