
Showing posts from April, 2024

A surprise visit!

This week in UFLI we learned about the ending sound _le. We talked a lot about syllables and reviewed our learning about open and closed syllables. We learned that when we are reading a word with a _le ending, we can figure out whether the vowel is short or long by covering up the ending and noticing if the vowel is open or closed. This is a very tricky phonics concept. Ask your child if they can explain it to you using the words “table” and “puzzle.” We also reviewed the ending patterns of -ed and /y/ spelling the long e or i sound at the end of a word. Our poem for this week was a rap called “Earth Day.” We had a great time rapping along with a background track. Ask your child if they can rap a bit for you. We began writing our own stories this week using the “Someone, somewhere wanted, but so then, finally” story map. We chose our main character and our setting (someone/somewhere) and wrote and illustrated the first page of our book. In Math, we finished our symmetry unit with our s

Another busy week!

Looking ahead This week in UFLI we learned the 2 sounds that y makes at the end of a word. In one syllable words it will make the /i/ sound and in words with 2 or more syllables it will make the /e/ sound.  We read a really fun poem about spring and the weather changing and then wrote our own spring acrostic poems. We also read a story called “A Balloon for Isabel” that follows a really good story structure. We are gearing up to write our own stories following the same format (Someone, Wanted, But, So, Then, Finally). We are excited to start our stories next week.  In Math our student teachers finished up their symmetry lessons by creating some symmetry monsters made by writing our names and doing a symmetry hunt around the classroom. We also learned about a new shape used in indigenous art called an ‘ovoid’ and we practiced this shape by completing an indigenous style eagle.  In science we started a new unit about energy and movement. We learned about direction, speed and pathway. We

Signs of Spring are all around us!

This week in UFLI we learned about the ending spelling patterns _es and _ed. We learned that when making words plural, _es is needed if the word ends in: /ch/, /sh/, s, x or z. We learned that a verb is an action or “doing” word. If we want to write about something that happened in the past, we add /ed/ to the word. There are three different sounds we could hear at the end of a verb when we are talking, and we learned that we record them all as ‘ed.’ (We could hear /t/ like in sipped, we could hear /d/ like in yelled or we could hear a ‘schwa’ sound and /d/ like in ended). Ask your child to tell you what the schwa sound means. We thought this was very interesting this week. We enjoyed many more fun math lessons this week with our student teachers. We learned about composite shapes (making a bigger shape out of many smaller 2-D and 3-D shapes). We also began learning about symmetry. Here is a link to a fun symmetry song we learned! Monday was

Welcome back!

Looking ahead We hope everyone had a restful spring break! We are in the home stretch of Grade One with lots of exciting learning ahead! This week in UFLI we learned about the spelling pattern __ge as well as learning about some exceptions to the ‘bossy e’ rule (i.e. some, live, love, have). We brought home a new game to practice __ce and __ge in our UFLI folder to try out this week! Please return these folders every Thursday! We are so excited that our student teachers Ms. Gunson and Ms. Jardie will be teaching us math over the next few weeks! They taught us a really fun song about 3D shapes We discovered some everyday objects that match these shapes, did some sorting and did a 3D shape hunt around the classroom.  This week we talked about the Grandfather Teaching of Love. We learned that the animal that represents love is the eagle because they show love towards their babies and take very good care of t