We can retell a story!

 Friday, January 19, 2024

Looking Back

This week in our UFLI (phonics) lessons, we learned two new concepts. We learned about the “floss” rule (flsz) for when we hear the /f/, /l/, /s/, or /z/ sound at the end of a word. If we hear those sounds after a short vowel sound, we double the consonant ( /ff/, /ll/, /ss/, /zz/ ). We also learned that when the vowels  /a/, /o/ and /u/ are followed by /ll/, they make a different sound (e.g. ball, roll, full). We practiced reading and writing words that follow this rule and read and illustrated decodable text with many “flsz” words in it. Today we brought this decodable story home to read to you as well as a game to practice the new spelling rules to play with you at home. 

We read a wonderful story this week called “The Mitten” by Jan Brett. We learned about retelling a story and practiced retelling the story the next day as a whole group using all of the animal characters. We continued our learning about retelling a story by creating our own “puppet show” story bag. We will practice retelling the story with a partner several times and very soon will bring our story bag home to tell the story to you! Below is a link to “The Mitten” read by the author for you to enjoy together.


In Math, we introduced a new learning goal: “I can show how I add.” We learned that adding is joining and practiced breaking a tower of 10 cubes into parts to create math sentences equalling 10. We brainstormed a list of words that we might hear when we are adding numbers and learned how to use a number path to start at a number and add on another number. We created a huge number path in the open space outside our classroom and had a great time walking on it to create addition sentences. We practiced this skill again in partners using a number line or number path and writing our addition sentences on a whiteboard. 

In Science, we read a story called “Over and Under the Snow.” It is about animals in the winter and how they stay warm and find food. We watched an amazing video about how a fox uses its sense of hearing to find a mouse under the snow. Next week, we will continue talking about animals in winter and will represent our learning in our visual journal.

Looking Forward

Library is on Tuesday. Please return your library book in order to sign out a new one.

Although the weather looks better next week, please ensure your child is bundled up to go outside everyday. We will head out if the weather is any warmer than -20 degrees. 


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