Welcome December!


Friday, December 1, 2023

It was a busy final week of November!

This week we focused on the digraphs /ch/ and /sh/. Our words this week were then, all, little, like, much, push. As our words and sounds are getting more complex, continued practice at home is extremely beneficial. Please also continue to send your child’s ziplock bag in to school everyday so that they may choose a new book to read at home and have their bag for important notices being sent home. Thank you!

In math we started a really fun project called “Guess my number!”. We hid a number under a sticky note and tried to show as many different ways as we could to represent that number. We then had our classmates and our buddies try and guess our number. 

Ms. Gunson did a special math activity with Mrs. Webber’s class called “Math About Me.” Ms. Jardie did a writing activity with Mrs. Janisse’s class that introduced family traditions. We used the same style the indigenous people did and wrote our traditions on ‘buffalo hide’ (brown paper).

In social studies we will spend the time before Christmas break talking about family and traditions that we have. Please check your child’s ziplock bag for a project that we are asking them to complete. We are hoping each child will have a chance to share their tradition using a picture or a small artifact.

In science we continued to talk about matter. We learned about the word ‘weight’ and the concepts of ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’. We did some exploring and comparing using scales. What fun!

Today we were thrilled about the arrival of our class kindness elf! We learned that he was sent to us to make sure we are being kind and to complete some kindness challenges over the month of December. Ask your child what our elf’s name is!

Looking ahead

Tuesday is Library Day! Please return all library books in order to get a new one. The last book exchange will be December 12.

Our holiday assembly is fast approaching! We will be having 2 performances so you can choose the one that works best for your schedule. It will be on December 14 at 8:15 or 1:15. We are so excited to show you what we have been working on!

Please check your child’s ziplock for the special project about family traditions. 


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