Mailing letters across Canada!

 Friday, November 17, 2023

Looking Back

This week we focused on the word families _ut and _ug. The words we practiced were: tell, well, will, have, put. A small list of these words came home with your child on Wednesday so they can be practiced at home. Please also continue to send your child’s ziplock bag in to school everyday so that they may choose a new book to read at home and have their bag for important notices being sent home. Thank you!

We had fun putting many of the nursery rhymes we have learned together into a song with a new alphabet rhyme in between. Ask your child if they can sing the new alphabet song for you. Hint: it has 2 claps after ‘m’ and 2 claps after ‘z.’

We wrote about our fall break on Wednesday and some students were able to share in the author’s chair. On Thursday, we worked together to write a letter to send off with our Alphabet Exchange in the mail. We each signed the letter and put it together with our created letters. Mrs. Janisse’s class is sending letter Ee and Mrs. Webber’s class is sending letter Yy. Today, we were very excited to address our envelopes, put on a stamp and put our letters into the envelopes. We looked at a Canada map to see where all of our letters are going. They are going to 25 different places all across Canada! We took a walk to a nearby mailbox and each got to put our letter in the mailbox to send it on its way. We really enjoyed doing this together as a classroom community!

In math, we learned about representing numbers to 20 using a number line. We practiced placing on a number line with only some anchor numbers (e.g. 0, 5, 10) and tried this with a longer number line up to 20. We played a fun guessing game called “Squeeze” to practice representing numbers on a number line and we also did some detective work to figure out which numbers were missing on a number line.

In science, we continued with our learning about matter this week, focusing on the property of length. We used the words ‘shorter’ and ‘longer’ to compare objects and practiced comparing different lengths of objects at our desks and arranging them from shortest to longest. We also took a gallery walk to see how our friends had arranged their objects. 

We did a STEM challenge today with our grade 3 buddies to practice measuring shorter and longer. We had to make the longest chain possible using only one piece of paper, glue and scissors. 

Looking Ahead

We are very excited to welcome our 2 student teachers from St. Mary’s University on Monday. Ms. Gunson will be with Mrs. Webber and Ms. Jardie will be with Mrs. Janisse. They will be with us for 3 weeks and then will be returning again in the spring for a 5 week session. 

Next week, we will be viewing the Scholastic Book Fair during our library time on Tuesday. Students will not come home with a new library book next week. Our day to purchase books at the Book Fair is Wednesday. If you wish to have your child purchase an item, please send in their money on Wednesday and if possible attach a note outlining the item(s) they are planning to buy. The Book Fair will also be open during conferences. 

Sign up for Parent Conferences starts this Saturday at 8:00 am through your powerschool account. We are looking forward to talking with you about the progress your child is making!

There is no school for students on Friday, November 24 due to parent/teacher conferences.


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