A short but busy week!

Friday November 9, 2023

Apologies for the delayed post! Totally forgot yesterday :)

Looking back

This week we focused on the word families __et and __ed. The words we practice were: he, we, me, be, she, want, of. You may have noticed a word list in your child’s homereading bag or in their backpacks. Going forward we will be sending home the words of the week so they can be practiced at home. These words are words that are seen everywhere in books as well as in their writing. Learning to read these words quickly will increase your child’s reading fluency. We appreciate your support in practicing these words at home. Thank you also for sending your child’s book and bag back to school everyday so they can choose a new book and have their bag for important notices being sent home. 

In writing we wrote about things that we did on the weekend. We talked about different ways we could start a sentence to describe the activities we took part in. Our writing is really coming along! We are very excited to be taking part in the great Canadian Letter Exchange. We receive mail from classrooms all over Canada containing a letter of the alphabet. This week we worked on our letters (ask your child what we did) and will be mailing them off next week. 

In math we did some assessments that we are excited to show you at parent conferences!

In science we finished up some little books we made about the lifecycle of a pumpkin. If they were not brought home this week they will come home next week. 

Looking ahead

We are hoping to go for a community walk to the mailbox on Friday to mail our letters to the kids across Canada. The mailbox is directly across the street from the school so we won’t be venturing too far away!

Sign up for parent conferences starts this weekend through your powerschool account. We are looking forward to talking with you about the progress your child is making!

Picture retakes are Wednesday Nov. 15. Please send your child’s teacher an email if you wish to have their picture re-taken.


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