Welcome Fall!

It was wonderful to meet with you during our conferences on Thursday and Friday!  We appreciate your insights and are looking forward to partnering with you this year during your child’s Grade One learning journey.

Looking Back

This week, our new words were: this, and. The sounds we focused on were /c/, /f/, /d/, /g/.  Thank you for reviewing and practicing these with your child at home using the paper book they brought from school yesterday. Can you find the word ‘and’ in a book or somewhere else at home over the weekend (e.g. cereal box, game instructions, etc.)?

Our poem of the week this week was a rap called “Terry Fox.” We enjoyed learning about Terry Fox and noticed that he had a lot of courage!  Ask your child to tell you what Terry says that inspired us (“Anything is possible if you try!”). Perhaps they can even do the Terry Fox rap for you. We set a goal in our visual journals about how many laps we wanted to try to do during the Terry Fox run on Tuesday. It was great to get out in the fresh morning air and run with the whole school. 

In Math, we have explored creating and extending patterns and are becoming experts at identifying “the core” of a pattern and transferring it to letters (e.g. AB, ABB, ABC). This week, we worked in partners on a tricky pattern problem. The problem was: “Make a pattern where the 5th (Mrs. Janisse’s Class) or 6th (Mrs. Webber’s class) shape in the pattern is green. We discovered that there were many different ways to solve this problem and were excited to talk about our solutions together. We have been keeping track of the days of school and talking daily about different ways to represent each number. We will be practicing and learning more about representing numbers in the coming weeks. 

In Science, we were excited to see the first day of Fall on the calendar this week!  We read a story about fall changes and talked about the clothes we choose in the fall that are different than in summer. We created a page in our visual journals about fall clothes and drew and labeled the clothes we wear.

Looking Ahead

Library day is on Tuesday. Please return your library book in order to sign out a new one!

Orange Shirt Day - Monday, September 25th - Students are encouraged to wear an orange shirt or item of clothing in order to recognize Truth and Reconciliation day at MTS.

No School Friday, September 29th - Truth and Reconciliation Day

Our Three Left Feet dance residency begins next week. Thank you to Parent Council for providing this fantastic opportunity for our students. 


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