We love learning outside!

We have had a fantastic time this week with our Dance Residency from Three Left Feet. We are looking forward to practicing our dance again next week and to sharing it with you on Friday, October 6th! 

Looking Back

This week, our new words were: here, a, an.  The sounds we focused on were /j/, /e/, /o/, /q/. Thank you for reviewing and practicing these with your child at home using the paper book they brought home from school today. 

Our poem of the week was “Fall Leaves.” Ask your child if they can do the actions and say it for you.  It goes like this:

Red, yellow, orange, brown

Leaves are falling all around.

See them dance 

In the cool fall air.

Rake them and pile them

And bag them with care.

We honoured Truth and Reconciliation Day on Monday with a whole school assembly. We heard a story about hope and learned that we are working together to move forward with hope for a bright future. We talked about what we hope for at MTS and created a list in our classroom about the things that we hope for. We each wrote a word on an orange heart and added it to the school “hope” tree near the office. 

We also spent time this week outside learning on the land. We learned about what it means to find a “sit spot” and to use our senses to notice the things around us. We noticed that changes are happening outside, especially in the trees. We brought our visual journals outside to do scientific sketches of a fall tree. Each student chose a tree they wanted to sketch and looked closely with their artists’ eyes to capture the details of their tree. We continued talking about fall changes and are excited to do an art project about fall next week. Please send in a ziplock bag of “fall treasures” (e.g. leaves, pinecones, acorns and small rocks, small sticks) to use in our art project next week.

In math we continued our work with patterns. We did our very first word problem in our math books and had to show our thinking with pictures and words in order to solve the problem. 

Looking ahead

Library day is on Tuesday. Please return your library book in order to sign out a new one!

Please bring in a collection of items that you collected over the weekend!

Our Dance Residency showcase is as follows:

Friday October 6 - 8:20am - 9:05am

  • Mrs. Webber - Grade 1

Friday October 6 - 9:30am - 10:15am

  • Mrs. Janisse - Grade 1


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