Another great week of learning!

What a great week of learning and growth for our Grade One students! 

Looking Back

Students continue to adapt to the new routines of Grade One and have been working hard on learning and following new Grade One expectations. This week, we had a fantastic time during shared reading with a rap called “Grade One Expectations.” Ask your child if they can rap a few of the verses for you and show you the actions.

We continued to work on printing our name “the grade one way” with a capital letter at the beginning and the rest lowercase. We have been very excited to see students meeting their goal of printing their name this way consistently. This week, our focus was on the sounds /m/, /n/, /r/, /l/ and /i/ and the words ‘I’, ‘the’ and ‘see.’ Thank you for reviewing and practicing these with your child at home using the paper book they brought from school today. 

In math we discovered “I can sort objects into groups that make sense” and practiced sorting using various materials. We were introduced to the concept of patterning by reading and discussing the book “Pattern Fish”. We also had a very special visitor on the 10th day of school….Zero the Hero!  You may have already heard about him at home as he brought us some special tools to create pattern bracelets.  We were very excited.  Zero the Hero likes to visit us every tenth day of school, whenever a zero pops up on our hundreds chart.  We wonder what day he will turn up next?

Thank you to everyone who sent in their All About Me Bags this week.  The students have had a wonderful time sharing their items and talking to the class about the things that are important to them. Thank you to those who have been patiently waiting for their turn early next week.  We can’t wait to see what you bring to share on your day!  

In Social Studies and Art, we began work on our self-portraits this week by looking at the self-portraits of 3 real life artists (Frieda Kahlo, Vincent Van Gough, and Pablo Picasso). We noticed the difference between their photographs and their painted self-portraits. We painted a background for our self-portraits and began work on drawing our features. We will continue this work next week.

We continued our talk about our monthly teaching about courage and how it is symbolized by the bear. We did our own bear painting using forks to make fur! Some of us still need to finish next week but they turned out very cute!

Looking Ahead

Please return all library books to exchange on Tuesday. 

Our Terry Fox run is this Tuesday in the morning. Please ensure your child is wearing running shoes for outdoor shoes that day! We are collecting “toonies for Terry” to donate to the cancer society if you wish to make a donation.

If you have the ziplock bags that were sent home at the beginning of the year please return them as we will be using them as our communication folders this year. 

Just a reminder that there is NO SCHOOL on Friday September 22 as it is Parent Teacher Conferences. Booking for conferences will begin on Saturday, September 16th at 8am and will continue until Thursday, September 21st at 2pm. Conferences will run Thursday night from 4-8 and Friday from 8-12.



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