
Showing posts from September, 2023

We love learning outside!

We have had a fantastic time this week with our Dance Residency from Three Left Feet. We are looking forward to practicing our dance again next week and to sharing it with you on Friday, October 6th!  Looking Back This week, our new words were: here, a, an.  The sounds we focused on were /j/, /e/, /o/, /q/. Thank you for reviewing and practicing these with your child at home using the paper book they brought home from school today.  Our poem of the week was “Fall Leaves.” Ask your child if they can do the actions and say it for you.  It goes like this: Red, yellow, orange, brown Leaves are falling all around. See them dance  In the cool fall air. Rake them and pile them And bag them with care. We honoured Truth and Reconciliation Day on Monday with a whole school assembly. We heard a story about hope and learned that we are working together to move forward with hope for a bright future. We talked about what we hope for at MTS and created a list in our classroom about the things that we

Welcome Fall!

It was wonderful to meet with you during our conferences on Thursday and Friday!  We appreciate your insights and are looking forward to partnering with you this year during your child’s Grade One learning journey. Looking Back This week, our new words were: this, and. The sounds we focused on were / c/, /f/, /d/, /g/ .  Thank you for reviewing and practicing these with your child at home using the paper book they brought from school yesterday. Can you find the word ‘and’ in a book or somewhere else at home over the weekend (e.g. cereal box, game instructions, etc.)? Our poem of the week this week was a rap called “Terry Fox.” We enjoyed learning about Terry Fox and noticed that he had a lot of courage!  Ask your child to tell you what Terry says that inspired us (“Anything is possible if you try!”). Perhaps they can even do the Terry Fox rap for you. We set a goal in our visual journals about how many laps we wanted to try to do during the Terry Fox run on Tuesday. It was great to get

Another great week of learning!

What a great week of learning and growth for our Grade One students!  Looking Back Students continue to adapt to the new routines of Grade One and have been working hard on learning and following new Grade One expectations. This week, we had a fantastic time during shared reading with a rap called “Grade One Expectations.” Ask your child if they can rap a few of the verses for you and show you the actions. We continued to work on printing our name “the grade one way” with a capital letter at the beginning and the rest lowercase. We have been very excited to see students meeting their goal of printing their name this way consistently. This week, our focus was on the sounds /m/, /n/, /r/, /l/ and /i/ and the words ‘I’, ‘the’ and ‘see.’ Thank you for reviewing and practicing these with your child at home using the paper book they brought from school today.  In math we discovered “I can sort objects into groups that make sense” and practiced sorting using various materials. We were introdu

Welcome Back!

It has been a fantastic week of learning with our amazing Grade One students!    Looking Back We have been busy learning the routines of Grade One over the past week. There are many new things to get used to! The students have been doing an excellent job adapting to the schedule and we wouldn’t be surprised if they are pretty tired at the end of the day for the first few weeks! This week we have been focusing on printing our name “the grade one way” with a capital letter at the beginning and the rest lowercase. We encourage you to practice printing their name this way when they are writing it at home.  We hope you discovered a small book in your child’s backpack today with the sounds and words we have been learning about this week. Please keep this book at home and review the letter sounds and words by reading the book together. A small book like this will come home at the end of the week for the next several weeks while we review and practice letter sounds and learn new “heart” words