
Showing posts from June, 2024

Last Week of School!

Wow! Last full week of Grade 1! This has been a truly amazing year and we love having each and every one of your children in our class! Looking back In UFLI we did a vowel team review and practiced all of the vowel teams we have learned. If you are looking for something to practice over the summer this would be great!  We had a blast creating our animal habitats out of paint, paper and various materials that we may have brought in. We also created our animals out of plasticine. We hope you enjoyed our dioramas! In math we continued on with solving our zoo mystery and some students moved onto a new mystery about superheroes.  We celebrated the summer solstice by learning about Indigenous people that live way up north where there is sunlight for 24 hours on the first day of summer. It would be pretty neat to go outside at midnight and have it be light out! We also celebrated National Indigenous Peoples Day by reading a story called “Sometimes I Feel Like a Fox”. We learned a little bit a

Time to do Research!

  Looking Back This week in UFLI we continued to talk about vowel teams. We learned that the long i sound can be spelled using 2 different vowel teams, ‘igh,’ ‘ie.’ We learned that igh is usually in the middle or at the end of a word and that ‘ie’ comes at the end of words. We did lots of practice in order to become more familiar with spelling words with this rule. There is only 1 reading passage in our UFLI folder this week in order to practice this skill. In science we started our animal research! We used the computer to go onto pebblego and look up our animal as well as using our non-fiction books to fill in our research page. We also went onto arthub to do a nice guided drawing of our animal. We will be finishing these up next week.  We also finished up our plant work by painting our root vegetables art. We turned our bean plants into a special something that we are bringing home today. In math, we worked on a mystery! An animal has escaped from the zoo and we need to figure out wh

Farewell Ducklings!

  Friday, June 7, 2024 Farewell to our adorable ducklings!  Thank you for all you have taught us! We had a wonderful final week with you. We will miss you! Looking Back   This week in UFLI we continued to talk about vowel teams. We learned that the long o sound can be spelled using 3 different vowel teams, ‘oa,’ ‘ow,’ and ‘oe.’ We discovered it is really tricky to know when to choose ‘oa’ or ‘ow’ and that ‘oe’ usually makes the long o sound at the end of a word. We did lots of practice in order to become more familiar with which words have ‘oa’ and which words have ‘ow.’ There is only 1 reading passage in our UFLI folder this week in order to practice this tricky skill. We sang a song about Plant Needs this week and talked about how we can care for a plant to keep it healthy and strong. We wrote a creative story about what would happen if we planted magic seeds and came up with many interesting ideas about what might grow. In science we drew and labelled the parts of our bean plant. We